Thursday, July 16, 2009

Reality - “Bites”

Down the road there's a temple buzzing with tens of thousands of devotees. Outside the temple a small boards appeared to be written with the tagline “Real place for Real People”. There is nothing wrong with the words but something is amiss. I wonder - what real people mean. What other kind of people are there?

I questioned myself. Let us get one thing straight. Everything is real. Even dreams are real dreams. The word has its place, however. It should be used to distinguish between something that is what it appears to be and something that is not what it appears to be.

When they say someone is real, I think they mean to say that he or she is unpretentious, straightforward, honest, frank, direct, genuine, and/or aboveboard. And that's a real problem, because it makes them real dangerous! Got it?

I questioned again. Do real people exist? Or do people around you want you to be real?
Everyone begins with a spark of inspiration. But most people flash and fade before they have a chance to set the world on fire. Why? Ask yourself.

There is no one path. The problem is often choosing which one to chase. There are all sorts of wise sayings. Not everything is right or real. Faint praises have there place. I say they are required. Extent is what needs to be measured. I'm more interested in, in a way, discovering what we are now and here.

We just need a force / way to feel it.


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