Friday, February 20, 2009

Believing Is Seeing/Speaking

A limitation of our eyes enables us to see movies as fluid motion, when we are actually looking at a series of pixel of images each second. It's called Endurance-d Vision. A similar phenomenon might be called Endurance-d Ignorance.

Humans often get things wrong - sometimes they get things so wrong that they turn to a right. The history of human invention is filled with things that went superbly wrong, to the benefit of all of us. Computers are not supposed to do wrong things - they are supposed to be obviously right. This is why they’ll never be human, unless they learn how to fail.

That's one of benefits of life and the living - being able to make conscious, free-will choices. When the definition of success is little more than following a pattern of previous success, creative minds don't seem to enjoy the process very much or for very long. We don't consider it a great success.

I think I know why.

Cultivate a skeptical attitude. I have just made this up .If you believe it; start making a habit of always challenging new information, especially if it surprises you. Start with statistics. Trust yourself. Speak up. You might be right. Check yourself. In a class (world) full of creative fire (mind), where everybody knows the answer, winner is the one who raise hand to answer first.

Keep your creative fire hot and burned. However, Creative solutions and ideas don't always have to come from struggle and sweat. Innovation is sometimes right under your nose, around the corner, or back home where you grew up. Work like an investigative reporter. Get up and go get the facts.

Speak it. Dig it. Google it. Read it.



  1. Seeing and believing is definitely out of question now a days. One looks forward to the motive behind the action of the other so the sceptimism is already there. How ever, the chances of wrongs turning to right is high, that is why we think a lot before concluding. I is said we humans dis regard worng completely that sometimes it may be the right thing, so weigh out the chances completely. I have recently got a book about this thing, Black Swan by Chomsky, just see if it matches to what you are saying.

  2. Its a nice spark of thought.........keep going!!!!

  3. hey! i couldn't resist to tell 'everyone' that i am hooked to ur 'piece of mind' on ur blog... so i took a 'snapshot' of ur post and posted, along with the credit of course, on my blog... i hope it's okay with u... coz if not i will gladly edit my text... btw u can access the post here:
