Who knows what the path of life will hold for us?
Growing up, I realize that human beings really go through some phases in their lifetime that they don't have power over. But then no one was born ready. Not even a crystal ball, fortune teller, or any other psychic being would have the answer. To sail through this trip called life, I envision that you must have faith in your own personal strength, pursue your own dreams hoping they will become your reality, and never give up. The only thing that comes to you without effort is old age. Great things can only be welded when men and mountains meet. Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is.
The message is clear; you and only you are responsible for your thoughts, ideas, imagination, health, well being, wealth, life style, economy, happiness, peace, your past, present and future. The more you are willing to give, the more you will be able to get.
And here's a key point. Your education, knowledge, skills and experience all are investments in your ability to contribute a value for which you can be paid. But they are like any other investments. They are highly speculative. Your goal is to organize your life in such a way that you enjoy a mighty income, a high standard of living, and that you are the master of your economic destiny rather than a victim of changing economic times.
They say that time waits for no one and that includes YOU and ME. Scientifically, it is well accepted that how we feel has a direct effect on our body, mind, personality and how we carry ourselves through the day. Positive thinking is no fast food. Be who you want to be fully, in this moment.
Though most of us think we will live until we are old, many of us won't. Don't put off your dreams until tomorrow. Don't decide to change your life tomorrow. Do it today, right now. This is the moment that you have a control on. Be in charge of you and choose to be the best possible person you can be this moment. Be more loving in this moment, more forgiving, kinder, more positive and generous. Be present with people, in this moment. Give more than you take, in this moment.
Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: “if you’re alive, it isn’t”.